Can you think of a store that has drawn you in because of a pleasant ambient scent? What do you think the target market of that store consists of?
There are many stores that do this. In a male's point of view, a nice scent still isn't going to get them to buy clothes they don't want or need. At the same time, if we walk past a food place that smells very appealing we are much more likely to stop in. Subway pumps the fresh bread smell into the store and outside onto the street to remind potential customers that they bake their own bread in each store and the bread is fresh.
Another example of this are the waffle cabins that are now located at many ski slopes. There is a machine that is very similar to a fog machine that pumps a syrup smell that reminds you of a home cooked meal into the air.
This aroma spreads quite far and makes people realize how hungry they have become since they started skiing. Skiers also have more money so they have more disposable income and are therefore more likely to make an impulse buy which is what these companies try to get the consumer to do with the aromas.
Do you feel more likely to buy from a retail store that smells different? Can you walk by a food place that smells good without looking at the menu?