Saturday, March 24, 2012

In response to Danielle
What do you think of brands advertising on campus, through student ambassadors or sponsored activities? Should colleges allow this sort of thing, or should campuses be kept as ad-free as possible?

Currently the strongest advertising we have on campus is Pepsi.  Their name is plastered all over the place, in the DC, and in the student center.  I feel it is fine.  We are exposed to advertising where ever we go.  By the time a person reaches college they should be able to make educated decisions for themselves and not just take advertisements for granted.  
This summer I was looking for an internship.  I actually walked around the science center and read off each on of the signs that said who the room was sponsored by.  I then wrote down those names, as they were all local companies and looked them up.  Any that interested me, I sent an email to them with my resume.  I ended up getting a very exciting internship this summer due to this method.  I am extremely happy the science center had these signs posted.  
It is one of the first times I have really benefited by advertising, and the company that I was hired with also benefited as they were able to fill a void in their corporation.  
Do the advertisements on campus bother you?  Do you think we should add more to get more funding for the school?

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